After conference today I had the impression to unleash my feelings and recognize the blessings in my life, and write them down. I figured why not do it on the internet?
Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have such amazing family and friends. After watching conference today it really hit me .... how blessed I am to have the knowledge that life is precious. The people in my life are precious. I am grateful to be the wife of a handsome, humble, and patient husband. I am grateful to be the daughter of two of the most amazing parents in the world. I am grateful for all of my siblings and for each unique relationship that I have with each of them.I am grateful to be the aunt of 6 sweet nieces and nephews - Emmerson, Landon, Carson, Austin, Brady, and Coleman. They are such examples to me, I love each and every one of them!

I loved the talk from Jean Stevens the 2nd counselor of the Primary Presidency. She talked about the innocence of children and how we can learn so much from them. I was just recently called to be in the primary presidency and I have already learned so much for those sweet lottles. There is a little boy in primary maybe 5 or 6 years old Christopher Lopez who is always willing to say the opening and closing prayers. He's always the first to shoot his hand up in the air with eagerness to speak to our father in heaven. Their enthusiasm for the gospel hits me every sunday, and I am grateful to be a part of their childhood development.
" I have been blessed... with so much more than I deserve. I thank God for all I've been given at the end of every day!"
I am grateful for all I have. Sunday session is going to be amazing too. Can't wait.
Loves !!